Criw Cymraeg

The Welsh government are striving to have one million Welsh speakers by 2050. In order to help us achieve this goal The Welsh Language Charter has been introduced.

‘Cymraeg Campus’ is the framework provided to schools to help promote a strong Welsh ethos, provide a range of meaningful challenges and drive us towards this goal.

Achieving this goal is everyone at Mount Street Infants’ responsibility but we have appointed a ‘Criw Cymraeg’ whose specific role is to help drive this charter forward.

The roles of the Criw Cymraeg members include:

  • Sharing with the school the names of the children whose names are in the ‘Seren Cymraeg’ book each week.
  • Giving out the stickers to those children.
  • Introducing the ‘Patrwm yr Wythnos’ (phrase of the week) each week during Achievement Assembly.
  • Teaching Welsh games on the field/yard during amser chwarae (play time).
  • Listening carefully to their peers and staff to identify those making a big effort to use Welsh.