Home Learning 2020


To all of our amazing Mount Street Infants and their families,

We are all missing you so seeing your pictures and reading your comments on the learning@mountstreeti.powys.sch.uk is a big treat for us.

We have created this extra section on our website so that the Home Learning activities that are sent out on SCHOOP stay in one place. They will be easier for you to find if you don’t want to scroll through the SCHOOP feed.

Each week the teachers will put together a few activities based on the different Areas of Learning for you to do at home with your child/ children.

It is not intended for you and your child to do all of the activities.

There are a range of activities to cover the different ages and interests of individual children. Read through the ideas and choose with your child which ones you’d like to do. If you have any questions, queries or comments regarding the activities then please email us on the learning@mountstreeti.powys.sch.uk email and we can reply.

It might help if you have a routine at home similar to the one at school.

The children are used to using a visual timetable so they can have an idea of how the day is going to unfold. It doesn’t have to be followed rigidly but it is a good way to give the day some structure and manage your home learning at a steady pace.

For an example of a home learning timetable please click here but if you need visual cards then there are some lovely picture cards on this website https://widgitonline.com

Home Learning should be about having fun as you learn and explore together.

Your child has many special qualities and strengths that they can use to maintain everything they’d already learnt at school before the Easter break. Our priority is to have happy children with a positive memory of their time at home during the 2020 Lockdown.

We hope you find the activities fun and enjoyable.

Stay safe

Stay home

Keep in touch

From all of the Staff at Mount Street Infant School