
Hello from Dosbarth Dandelions

Dosbarth Dandelions is the Specialist Support Class. We have a maximum of full time pupils ranging from Reception to year 2. We enjoy learning together in an inclusive environment. All of our pupils can integrate into the mainstream class, according to their individual needs.

Class teacher:

  • Mrs Hutch

Teaching Assistant:

  • Ms Penny


PE is on a Tuesday. We go into the hall and use a mixture of PE and sensory activities during our session. Your child can wear their normal uniform or PE kit, whichever they are happy in.

Forest School:

We go to Forest School on a Tuesday so please remember to bring in a warm coat. The children will need a pair of wellington boots to keep in school to use for Forest School and play times when the weather is wet.


Please can your child bring in a healthy snack to go with their milk during Amser Snac, a small piece of fruit is ideal, in a named container.

Water is available all day but if your child would like to bring their own bottle of water, please can it be labelled with their name on it.

School Meals

School meals are available each day, let us know if you would like your child to try a hot meal.

Class Schoops